Friday, June 29, 2007

Unsubstantiated iPhone rumor

For really no reason at all other than the fact that a website can't compete with the rest of the internet in this day and age without posting about the iPhone every hour on the hour, I'm going to throw out some nonsensical iPhone rumor. The iPhone has a 3G chip built in, but is currently being disabled and will later be enabled with a firmware update.

No real reason to say this, but it just seems so ridiculously silly that a phone being touted for it's web browsing doesn't have 3G. I refuse to believe it. Besides, Steve Jobs has said that there are still surprises to come and that he thinks edge is slow. Additionally, there have been tons of rumors about the iPhone being brought to Europe before the end of the year and because every other first world country has higher technology standards than we do, they simply wouldn't stand for a "smartphone" that doesn't have 3G. However, Apple won't give Europe better technology than we have here in America and this Fall is probably a bit too soon for the 2G iPhone to be available. So I am proposing that when Apple releases the iPhone in Europe, it will have 3G capabilities and Americans will get a firmware upgrade that unlocks the hidden 3G capabilities in the iPhones that they already have.

This will also help to provide a second boost in sales for the iPhone after the initial sales bonanza starts to die down.

Note: Apparently, AT&T's edge network decided to get faster today. So everything I just said is probably crap...well, it is crap because I just made it up. So yeah.

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